Monday, October 28, 2013

The stain clothing pour some Coca-cola and let it soak. Mark will change color over soda, but after

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One of the ingredients that are found in Coca-cola-th is baking soda, and it is an alkaline substance that can greatly help in cleaning as the space in which you live, and your body and other objects.
The bottom of the pot after a while it becomes black and dirty as they simply can not be washed away. But here will help Coca-cola. Put it in the pot and let stand for some time. Then rub with a sponge.
The stain clothing pour some Coca-cola and let it soak. Mark will change color over soda, but after you wash clothes in the laundry machine, stain will disappear. Clean the ice on the windshield
Apply Coca cola on where you eating bee or mosquito. Also, if you have an upset stomach, drink Coca cola - will smooth Ph value in your stomach and temporarily relieve spasms. Help in ikanjeto
Have you dreamed of this man: It appeared ... October 28, 2013 | Ellen.
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