Thursday, July 3, 2014

But when it comes to track, for example, teachers or follow the instructions, then things will get

Many parents have to scratch your head and intrigued on why the child will not learn the names and order of days. In this post I try to shed light on the likely causes and remedies that have given good, actually very good. The problem
Our memory is sometimes Astonishingly! We often learn things that we think nothing relevant but can not learn / remember much else though is prescribed. Many children find it very difficult to study days, at least their order, and I have both met and heard of children who may not days arrived at teens.
Usually involves children / teens who are dyslexic or ADD (ADD). Guys (and people) with ADD find it hard to stay focused only briefly once. Admittedly, they immersed themselves in something for long periods, but it is then usually something practical or creative, ie they can stay in their own imagination eg game. The likely explanation
But when it comes to track, for example, teachers or follow the instructions, then things will get complicated frequently. As a result, the child has trouble keeping attention long enough to follow instructions and learn series.
It requires continuous attention to learning sequences. Alignment means: Learning the days and months to follow instructions Learning the alphabet Learning to tie Learning margföldunartöfluna Learning the verses and text of Difficult Words
As this is not enough, then other problems play into. Terms (words) that the child does not envisage (and Non-pictorial), the child may find it hard to understand. The meaning is in the movie. The child understands and remembers words like "apple" and "orange" because they are picturesque. This applies in fact to all of us - we found a lot easier to remember visual representation of concepts and Non-pictorial (with dates, names) because it's easier to put them in context.
Note. Of course kirkland home you can create your own word. Make sure that your child just can the right of the date you mean when you mention "My Word." kirkland home The key issue is the memory word is graphical. The story:
It requires no more! No Nobel work but maybe enough. Here it is important to see the child for a story and learn it as a movie. The story will automatically be silly and memorable accomplishment. Sometimes it's good to have them close their eyes and imagine the story is being told.
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