Sunday, February 8, 2015

Greenery and garden | 04.08.2010

Greenery and garden | 04.08.2010
Before the beginning of our era it was the Chinese who first fashioned ornamental shrubs into various animals, dragons and other fairy-tale creatures. Later, small trees grown in artificially modeled landscape or nature outside in pots. In this way, they gradually simone rugiati in the 11th century managed to breed bonsai, which means tree-container. Bonsai can be bought in forest nurseries, a florist, or may be obtained from nature in places where the road conditions, in ditches, in your gardens, from discarded trees in forests. Plants that can be adapted to the choice of bonsai plants is quite wide, so we will focus on those that normally get our florists and sequentially cut can be adjusted to the aesthetic bonsai. These include camellia, fig tree, fuchsia, pomegranate, rosemary, lemon, orange tree, and many others. Remarkable tree species grown as bonsai is also Prickley who know first by name or Japanese Sichuan pepper. Nice apartment simone rugiati bonsai can be grown even from carrageenan, Carmona Podocarpus macrophyllus, Sageretia, murryaa paniculata and many others. Seven Principles simone rugiati order to make your bonsai really perfect, it must comply with the seven principles. Choosing the container vessel is one of growth regulators, and therefore should be kept to a minimum. This does not mean that the bonsai will suffer in cramped conditions. He's only a small space to build such a crown, which is the volume of the root system. Suitable lower round containers, which are also used for growing orchids and cacti. A mixture of earth surface soil in which the tree is planted, it is appropriate to protect against the drying layer of moss. For most forest trees, a mixture of forest soil or peat, clay and coarse sand. Miniaturization of trees and shrubs intolerant calcium assumes simone rugiati trees are grown in acidic soil. Ficus require air substrate is suitable crushed zeolite. Light Miniature shrubs and trees require optimum illumination, thus turning the container occasionally to not grow in one direction. In any case, they may be grown in the hallway without windows, or in poorly lit room. We must not forget that double glazing, curtains and blinds reduce the brightness of the room. Some species of subtropical plants require more than just the location simone rugiati of the window and artificial lighting. Bonsai as Prickley should not be exposed to direct summer midday heat stroke. Well good for them and summering on a nice spot in the garden. Temperature and location
When growing often applies the principle that what is warmer, it should be more lighting. It must not be forgotten later, especially in winter. Bonsai trees grow while the window, but the colder days to watch out for cold drafts and away from windows. Heating and dry air from the radiators during the winter kills live Plant. Even the location next to the TV may damage the delicate leaves. Watering Japanese argue that the main secret simone rugiati of beautiful and healthy bonsai trees proper watering. They claimed even that proper watering one learns to three years. Bonsai is best to water the fine spray of water from above the substrate in order to wash away mineral salts on the surface and prevent it to salting-out. From time to time we plant the whole dive for a few minutes simone rugiati in a container with water and let soak up moisture. Some species need watered simone rugiati three times a week, others only once. It also depends on the season, temperature and slnečnosti room. Importantly neprelievať unnecessarily, because the muddy roots easily become embedded simone rugiati putrid germs and can destroy simone rugiati a tree. You can follow the color of the substrate surface, or lend a hand to the container and see if it is cold enough. Soften water by chemical substances, but rather prefer the soft rain water. Bonsai can from time to time Poros Spray, while also gets rid of excess dust. Fertilization Having been bonsai lessen the roots and living simone rugiati space, reduces the amount of substrate at the same time, so you need regular fertilization. At the same time tree that fertilize richer buds, thereby simone rugiati depleting. Therefore, when the first buds appear, can be peeled off a large part. Japanese fertilize simone rugiati all plant debris from the bodies of plants and animals, such as the burnt wood, straw, fish emulsion etc. Also in the mill crushed rapeseed, soybean wheat, cotton, dried fish, dried poultry manure. Older bonsai slow growth and need less nutrients, so they just fertilized twice during the growing season. Cutting and shaping wire wires always carefully in order to avoid damaging the young twigs, so they can tie up with a soft cloth. Before forming nepolievame tree to be more flexible. Some species of bonsai as exotic plants is also used as a complete defoliation of trees with consequent shortening of twigs. This procedure we only when there is enough light and moisture, from spring to summer. Bonsai Serissa as necessary before and after cutting simone rugiati fertilize sharpen

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