Tuesday, May 6, 2014

The artist

Tuula Wallatsaari is a Finnish painter, a 30-year career, was painted mainly in oil painting technique, but also in acrylic and mixed media. Wallatsaaren paintings are typically very personal experiences - both the artist and the viewer. His color palettes, is koloristinen paintings and the atmosphere comes from the Nordic nature. This brings the artist's own exoticism popular woodworking warm, over generations-supporting relationship to Hungary. popular woodworking
The artist's CV Happiness popular woodworking Oja, a professor, a painter described by Tuula Wallatsaarta and his art in 1990 as follows: "In 1980, Tuula Wallatsaari was impressionistic touch paint innate colourist. Subject leadership is still koloristinen, but the matter must be consulted and livelier. The black color is the synthesis of all, white is the basic grief and the red is blood and life and a passion popular woodworking for color. I hope to have the yellow, blue and purple spiritual intelligence of colors. Green is the color of humanity - vereslihan pink color. Death, and, therefore, the time is here, but the pursuit of transcendence is not significant and important, but the probing of how and where the anxiety generated by this side. Time is a three-dimensional paintings, birth and death are the same thing, and the space would not be at all independent, but a manifestation of the time. Tuula Wallatsaaren works are the expression of feelings to a great extent. popular woodworking Arbitrary recourse to it is not. The works should perhaps be accompanied by music and poetry, so that they could truthfully explain. Paintings, but is much more representative of the symbolism symbolist he is not. Man piilokuvamaisesti blends into the natural environment. The views and goals are of this world - the artist's direct relationship with the environment and life. Internal means a necessity for the artist experience, honesty, and open the torment of man as a total experience, appearance, and the sum of his experiences. Mystery, it may not, however, mean. The basic look of the paintings is an original and personal. Expressive pigmentinpyyhkäisyt very nice. Paintings in vertical format emphasizes their illusion of movement, the eternal flow. Tuula Wallatsaaren Art, says that this is the time where olevaisuus jumps out!

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