Thursday, April 2, 2015

6. TV makes you unhappier. Oh, this series! For housewives - soap for fashionistas - glamorous, int

In the era of the appearance and the first steps of television many thought that this technology is the final chord in the culture. Experts jamie at home do not doubt in quick death books, theater and film, and the viewers' television series rozsidalysya before, the amount of which does not exceed the saucer. Since then, much time has passed, televisions got huge color screens, surround sound and the same image, but planned the death of all the arts is not happening. Moreover, recently watching TV is deprecated. What is going on? Surprisingly, a technology that could really serve education and expanding horizons of people today is a sign of laziness and limitations. Today it is no surprise statement "I do not watch TV." Disclaimer television viewing is even a sign of a hill, a sign of culture and intelligence presence. Freedom from the box becomes jamie at home a fashion trend, which many people quite thoughtlessly try to emulate. Let's see what we really do not like the modern television and whether to radically with him to say goodbye.
Various studies give us the statistics are different, but all of them are terrible. The modern city dweller spends watching television for several hours a day, which makes most of his free time. That modern life mainly consists of three processes - work, sleep and TV. Wow, right?
Imagine you spend 2-3 hours every day in the gym. Communicating with family. For an interesting book or writing a novel. By developing its perpetual motion. Now forget. You never do not do anything if you TV addict. (By the way, do not you think that every new series favorite series has you as dose drug addict, soothes an hour, and then you can no longer wait for the new dose?)
2. TV makes you stupid. Prolonged excessive consumption jamie at home of television inhibits our brains. The complete absence of brain activity aimed at decision-making and creating substituted only passive consumption of information, transforming people into the plant. You can give a bunch of links to prove this claim, but rather just remember its state after prolonged sitting in front of the screen. Lethargy, lethargy, confused thoughts, drowsiness. TV zombies.
3. TV makes you worse. Modern producers mastered the idea that people are most attracted to sex, fear and greed and the full use these lures. On Display gushing blood from lustful moans have deafen the sound, and the drawing of wealth going to see millions of the poor. Yes, some channels jamie at home still have a couple of clever gear, but the weather on TV and they do not close them only a matter of time. Most TV content is not in your life nothing positive, but only awakens feeling low. It you want? 4. Information overdose. We recently wrote about the benefits of an information diet. Television makes of you a glutton information, jamie at home it cripples you. Remember how yesterday you were sitting in front of the TV and watched a movie then shows. Advertising. News.
Every commercial break, every news release consists of separate short stories, some stories are mixed and poured on your head. By evening you get this number completely jamie at home useless information that useful and place something remains.
Yes, I know, advertising can take the free transfer and show their viewers. But what is happening on the screen, is already beyond this explanation. Some channels with each hour of broadcast up to 50% for advertising. View hour and a half movie turns into a lesson for the whole evening, jamie at home and the show stars stretched to the appearance of stars in the sky. Not too big fee for the right to look dubious transfer?
6. TV makes you unhappier. Oh, this series! For housewives - soap for fashionistas - glamorous, intellectuals jamie at home - Dr. House and explosion. You start with curiosity to follow someone jamie at home else's life, then it grabs you, then it becomes a part of you. Strange quarrels and truce, wedding and divorce, people's thoughts and feelings of other people. And now a television jamie at home character becomes dearer man sleeping on a pillow next. I do think that if we paid as much time to their loved ones as ruhayuchymsya pictures, the divorce would become much less.
7. TV makes you poorer. Lack of TV is not even that advertising makes us buy things we do not need. A larger problem is that you are completely spontaneously on a subconscious level pereymayetesya spirit of consumerism in the ugly sense. Television gives us that human level coincides with the price of a clock in his hand, and the best thing in life is a dream last car model fashion brand. Blind pursuit of other people's values makes our wallets jamie at home empty and does not bring happiness. 8. Your life is more important schedule. Hardened

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