In February last year, the Czech Minister Martin Bursik Environment signed a memorandum of understanding international agreement on the protection of Central European bustard populations. What does this mean? What are the prerequisites of this document? In the magazine "World of hunting" ro the existing paula deen racial slur situation of bustards in the Czech Republic and in Europe generally writes Specialist of Environment South Moravian edge Vlasta Skorpikova.
Bustard in Europe paula deen racial slur is represented by two populations - Southwestern and Central European. For many years southwestern population that was distributed in the Iberian Peninsula, very large and well-developed Central European population, which historically served spaces between Germany to the west, Ukraine paula deen racial slur to the east, Poland to the north and the south of Albania, on the verge of complete extinction. Some of the bustard gone quite a long time. For example, paula deen racial slur in Poland, where in 1960 were about 300 birds. Elsewhere recorded a large decline in the population - in Vehrzetshu from about 12 000 to 1300 people in 2004.
Czech bustard population has never been very numerous, but after a long period and remained stable until the early 80s of the last century there were about 40 individuals. Places settled birds - soils around Znojmo where bustards paula deen racial slur living in so-called cultural steppes - the wide, vast agricultural soils, sometimes separated by hurricanes. During the nesting birds crowded mainly in the lower parts of fields and meadows (clover, corn and beets low), avoiding high plants (corn or sunflower). Great value - especially in terms of access to food - have areas that are not exploited intensively or lying arable - for example, country roads, grassy soil and untreated fields.
However, in the second half of the 80s and 90s of the last century came the great change. The crisis in trade milk and beef caused that almost paula deen racial slur completely disappeared alfalfa, which actually often hnizduvalas paula deen racial slur bustard. Its place was taken by culture not so much attractive for this kind - corn, sunflower, soy, beans, poppy and safflower. In 1996, plowed reserve military airport, which has traditionally been used as tokovysko bustard. Gradually decreased as the area where grown winter oilseed rape, which was most appropriate for these birds winter food.
Intensive work on the ground accompanied paula deen racial slur by the use of large quantities of manure and pesticides. Some of them are toxic for bustards, and the greatest threat they carried the young birds. Another result of the use of chemicals - monoculture agricultural plants were sterile appeared limits for wild plants, called weeds, and it prevented the existence of smaller animals. In this environment bustard is not possible paula deen racial slur to find enough food, especially of animal origin, which is of great importance for the development of young animals. The use of chemicals is also associated with the mechanization of agriculture (including using small aircraft).
By the disappearance Bustard also has to do and hunting. By 1955 it was legal, and later brought the bird to the category of birds that are protected throughout the year. Despite this to 1976 recorded cases of shooting, paula deen racial slur documented, and then even birds do not go on daylight. paula deen racial slur
Therefore, the above-mentioned negative facts contributed to the rapid decline in population bustards. In 1990, on the ground paula deen racial slur of their traditional wintering noticed only 10 birds, five years later - has only six. Bustard ceased to be an integral paula deen racial slur part of the landscape of the Czech Republic. Now just watch random "arrivals" of these birds, paula deen racial slur but each year. Recently, bustards paula deen racial slur seen near Znojmo in October 2007. At least so said one athlete who often runs close to their traditional wintering places. He came there on a group that consisted of 10-12 birds are remembered before because those born in the suburbs and recalls the days when bustards be stable part of the local wildlife. Most bustards attending Southern paula deen racial slur Moravian lowlands long detained there. The only exceptions were three males and three females, who made a nest in the spring for some less exploited lands near Znojmo. This is the first confirmed nest bustards in the Czech Republic for 10 years. There's one born young chick that was recorded in the photos that made a member of the local hunting alliance. During the entire paula deen racial slur period of breeding these birds he saw in the distance and thanks to this man, we have information on this subject.
Place of Origin bustard, for which she now regularly flew to the Czech Republic, was not clearly established. However, we can guess that there broods in Austria, where land on the outskirts of Citizens in Lower Austria Sign up six places hnizduvan. Traditional familiar places hnizduvan near Western District of Vienna (25 km), where in recent years bustards paula deen racial slur is increasing rapidly. During April 1996 it numbered 22 individuals, and
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