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Earlier this morning while I was driving on the way to work, listening to the radio morning show with a reporter while his guests translate erotic stories like "joke when the grandmother buzzdock was watching a porn movie and the end of filmmot waiting to see whether the children will be taken or not. " This show was so "good" that provoked me to change the station, only to hear another radio host, who said at the time: "Finally come Thursday! Come another day to endure the work and coming weekend ... ".
I laughed out loud and my brain began to list pictures from former living moments as the mother sent the child to work and complains that the "poor" will be struggling all day at work. And on the other side while her child honestly earns salary that you pay the bills and allows himself a decent independent life, his mother complains of komshivkata how high unemployment rate in the country has.
Again I changed the station, but this time chose radio with jazz music. It podzamisliv, how often do subconsciously create patterns and habits, which, if we work with enthusiasm, konzistenntno focus on objectives and create value - it's hard, but if you lie in front of TV, we see low-budget TV series which can be ideas for "quick interventions ", then feel safer. Do you learn better by watching TV series and analyzing others' life stories similar to ours or here hides a paradox. I asked myself, if I do not have to wait for free time and leisure to feel a real enthusiasm and creativity in work and in life in general? Are only when you feel welcome relief buzzdock Friday in disguise?
If you answer "YES" to find the first point, we have some chance. But if we find in the second, then there will be much different in the grayness of everyday life, and life in the future likely will become more difficult and potezhok.Toa unfortunately little posurovata reality, usually not in favor of people.
Anyone can change by recognizing the type of person and identify the things buzzdock that natural biological suit individual temperament and personality. HOW? Discover your personality type or inquire for this type of lectures, which will certainly help you a lot in professional and private life.
Innovation. Create and create places where other begaaat. It is worth to be innovative. TI is better to create innovation, and others to follow, as the market and the confidence of people get first / s. If only guided by social rules, will lead only to a dead end;
Proactive. If you think too much and do little, you will not go according to plan implementation. Domestic problems does not go as ESAP market, only pro-solving problems in payments;
Self-realization. Repeat: "Every day I am improving every day to teach me (to my mind and my heart) in my conversion, to realize my goal to realize the project and proizvedam and sell the product. I do not care personally or social buzzdock recognition, it does not exist in my head. "
think.mk - a common story of a few people willing to start things buzzdock from the beginning, to introduce new (razmisluvachki and relaxed) content buzzdock in Macedonian cyber network and enjoy it. [More ..]
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