Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Rudimental in Skopje on 15 December

Mite Filkov: Macedonia bonsai country, rich with various potential bonsai! |
Salads haskins
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When nature is your art, it will want to hide in your pocket, only to have the whole side. A whole garden that can embrace and put the palm of your hand. Such a garden mite Filkov and his partner Blagoja Sotirovski - Dzhagure that his walks, stories and memories of nature "planted" in a small bowl whose secrets haskins and wonderful moments to keep any small bonsai haskins from their gradina.Chudesna art of aesthetic miniturizacija trees and plant them in pots or small pots.
"The goal is to achieve a harmony between underground, in the case of small pot or container in which the plant bonsai and our above-ground part, that tree and habits haskins (crown) of bonsai," says Mite Filkov.
Young trees planted in stone vessels originating from the time of the Egyptian culture haskins and civilization (4000 years BC), records the first moments of bonsai art. Pharaoh Ramses III of hundreds of temples were gifted haskins with olive groves, palm trees and other plants that were planted in pots for food and medicinal purposes.
"Followers of Zen Buddhism say that bonsai is a kind of scale, which are" closer to heaven ". Most accurate and najstiliziranite bonsai specimens made Zen Buddhists. Painters during the 12th century say that bonsai is an art, and Zen Buddhists to proclaim as sacred bonsai tree. Bonsai tree is considered as one foot of the ladder that connects us with the cosmos. It is a religious, sacred tree whose story are numerous religions. It is believed that the relationship between living and inanimate nature itself bonsai. haskins Energy Zen Buddhists like to "down" from heaven haskins believed to make one modification, ie the very implementation of the paper, his positive energy in a bonsai work, "says Filkov.
"The painters are those who have kept devouring art. They are among the first though painted dwarf plants, and began to learn about philosophy, especially enjoyed the view while walking through the gardens of aristocrats and were scraggy trees of which created small bonsai. In the 19th century comes Bonsai in Europe, so slowly in our garden. This bonsai love my partner Blagoja Sotirovski-Dzhagure who is the founder of bonsai culture in Macedonia was born many years ago when he worked with horticultural landscaping of parks and gardens in SAD.Tamu learned that Macedonia is a rare type of bonsai trees - boxwood Macedonian, Vardar Valley. The same boxwood bonsai is now the oldest in the world and is awaiting its publication in the book of Guinness and situated in our garden the "Horti Expert MK". Old is over 557 years old, has a thick trunk about 36 inches and can be compared with the current record of bonsai which is England haskins age of about 300 years, "says Filkov.
Rudimental in Skopje on 15 December
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