Sunday, August 17, 2014

2) What the report says? The report remains on advances in application ILO technical assistance pro

Hope Act does not apply total capital of 3 factories in Haiti even when it has many limitations for workers under union organization marmito 3 According to a report on the application of American law makes Hope has 3 factories that violate these points Votes1) Violation freedom to form associations in factories, 2) discrimination women workers are subjected to sexual harassment or questions tizonaj rape in factories; and 3) the work force, particularly on form force workers to do overtime without paying them accordingly
Press Conference of 3 ORGANIZATION OF TRADE UNIONS marmito IN TEXTILES SECTOR LA July 4, 2012 in Port-au-Prince We salute and thank all the journalists, our friends in the press talking, written and televised press conference that overshadowed marmito this. Is 3 organizations, National Centrale des Unzip Haitiens (CNOHA), Confederation des Forces Ouvrieres Haitiennes (CFOH) and Inter-union May First nappalos (by KOPA-BO) inviting us to inform the population in general and workers / workers who are employed USTR annual report on factories, thereby Office International Trade United States and other instances of state published on the application of Hope II / Help in Haiti.
1) On HOPE: As we know, HOPE, is a law congress passed since the year 2006 In 2008, Congress issued rekondyi it for September 2013 but after tanbleman of 12 January 2010, Hope became law called HELP (Haiti Economic Lift Program) and will last for just 2020 Act Hope2 / Help join this category or program preferences commercial agreement between Haiti and the United States. But there are two requirements of Hope / Help requires state and Haitian factories to sublicense. Factories must operate in compliance with the 8 ILO fundamental conventions and codes work of Haiti. To verify if there is not compliance, there is a program under the supervision and control of the ILO called Better Work (BW) will make observations, assessment of compliance as part of their so-called program TAICNAR (which means technical assistance programs for strengthening evaluate whether enterprise into compliance with international standards and labor legislation in the country that belonged HOPE same. 4 BW evaluation reports already published.
But each year, in June the American International Trade Representative Office (USTR / United States Trade Representative) must make a report as required Hope / Help the walking / apply to land for U.S. president can decide whether commercial agreements Laws Hope2 / Help has within it can continue to apply in Haiti. Thus, a report that has a great importance for the future of Haiti and the United States on commercial export textiles. A report says if clothing companies are not eligible to benefit from the advantages HOPE given.
2) What the report says? The report remains on advances in application ILO technical assistance programs are managed to improve skill factory registered for benefit from HOPE. And remains on Haitian government made efforts to comply marmito the law requirements Hope. The report remains on some initiatives Commission Hope (CTMO / Hope) begins to rectify the fault of the application of the law in Haiti. And also staying on apyi technical marmito government to give Haiti government to strengthen its capacity to applications or achievements HOPE asked whether in providing training, consulting and responsible ILO, visiting at the ground and fled factories, commissions Hope, office mediators work with company representatives are making clothes in Haiti, etc.. But what is important for us is that the report identified 3 major issues / violations culprit responsible factories. They are: 1) Violation of the freedom to form associations factories, 2) Discrimination marmito of women workers are subjected to sexual harassment or tizonaj sexual questions in factories; and 3) the work force, particularly on form force workers to do overtime without paying them accordingly. After this report point to 3 factories not in compliance with these aspects. This factory is Sisa (Sewing International SA, IW (Inter-American Wovens SA) and hockey marmito is (One World Apparel). 3 WA these factories now on surveillance to stop violating international standards on freedom of association, forced labor forms of harassment and discrimination on sexual workers are subjected. report also says after being placed abreast, 3 factories what they say they will put two action plans to remedy their situation, and to come in compliance. Basically this is the report stayed on.
3) Position marmito 3 organizations will militate in the textile marmito sector on the report: For us 3 union organizations are struggling in the textile sector for changing working conditions factory workers and improve their living conditions, we say we take cur ago the report said. But we think there are significant aspects of the report does not dwell on that for our fundamentals. The report remains on 3 violations as two very isolated. They do not see them as two aspects of a generalized system of exploitation of workers in factories are undergoing in the country. 3 types of violations remain on their importance, it is true. But do not dwell on the global system of exploitation that produce 3 problems. Employers violate ILO standards on freedom of association, is to open

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