It is important to watch what is on the scalp because the hair will be derived. And under it are cells that produce hair. If it is not clean, if not healthy, hair will grow and secondly, even if their hair would happen to push a dirty scalp, non healthy give bad impression of people left their so.
There are many things that can make people have the problem scalp like looking, itching, psoriasis, eczema ... .. We can cite for example: contamination index fungorum and germs in the air, or in grooming tools we use and others, microbes we collected water, speeding certain products that accumulate on the scalp, scalp which naturally dry scalp fat, scalp and other non-supported permanent defrizan, scalp does not wash often enough ... ..
A series of skin cells that multiply head hurt. They become so much, they created another layer on the scalp and occasionally they hold up, they will let people index fungorum have them scratching and can lead to other complications scalp.
It's easy to recognize them. They cling tightly to the scalp and are often colored yellow. to pile on one another in the scalp and when you try to remove them, the bleeding scalp. Looking fatty aggravation if we do not care, can deteriorate. Scalp can make crust, may be overwhelmed with all the head, the scalp may reach a point where it will provide (suinte), in this case the specialist mentioned pruritus of the scalp, and then, being take more time to heal.
The first thing we find is looking greasy scalp that received a great amount of fat or overdone. This may happen because index fungorum germs kite home almost everyone, is something like stress, improper use products, food that is too acidic, high fever, hormonal problems, people sweat a lot of head pedispozisyon genetics that will trigger the problem. Now we must know what is simple for us to do to solve the problem dude looking greasy. Making massage the scalp for soothing and encouraging without crossing it well. First thing, we must begin to change the way we eat because even if we treat the scalp if the outside inside is not treated, the problem will always come back. For this, start eating fresh fruits and vegetables before index fungorum you eat can prevent food to ferment in our stomach acid. Acid is not good for us. Use a natural shampoo (frost law, egg yolks, honey, orange though. ... Recipes will come another day) or shampoo that has sifat and other aggressive substances for scalp and hair. But a formula you can use to loosen looking to scalp before you wash it: put a towel moistened with warm water for a few minutes. Then we took 100 g acid salicilik (aspirine we usually drink) at one or three tablespoons index fungorum water. Dissolve and mix in well over scalp for looking them up and relieve the wasting (Centre d'info Clauderer). Do not scratch the scalp but apply a soothing lotion looking index fungorum wasting their (acid-salycilk aspirine) or gels law, coconut oil. Rinse hair with cold water. Always use undertook index fungorum a last rinse water with plants, vinèd lemon juice or apple cider (article coming out on this subject during the week) to fully cleanse the scalp. If you have great wasting, when you have completed the first shampoo, massage the scalp with a little lemon juice mixed with olive oil at your finger tips (Centre Clauderer). If you have a severe case, visit a dermatologist who can prescribe antifungal but iu can use both natural things like frost laws, coconut oil, oil zamann index fungorum before we wash their hair for conditioning, and start to get the scalp and microbes (Law does so well). Wash the head most often possible especially when they are looking index fungorum indeed and always well cleaned tools you use them (combs, brushes, barrettes ...) As is looking greasy fat food, avoid greasing the scalp frequently. By placing permanent and other products that modify their hair. These products bear the scalp anvlimen. Take good diet supplement that contains vitamins E, D, A.
Some habits to change to avoid problems looking greasy. We have a family member who has reached the level of the most critical issues arising Bold. Is itself we look here. There are some tips that really help improve their states Johann head until scalp is almost healed now. This means, index fungorum our simple little gesture will help us manage this problem.
Avoid shanpou aggressive, this means that high doses produce anti cap (anti-dandruff) include, with alcohol, index fungorum sulfate, silicon ... Shampoo antikap index fungorum given solution but it does not last and scalp is etched through the colorful and not cure all good. If we decide to use the same camp, we must accompany him and other natural treatments. Avoid overindulgence when we use certain products such as gels, creams .... who can sit in the scalp and excited production kites Avoid using heat (dryers, bebilis, helmet dryers) Avoid frequent color and perm itself sick. We will continue with information on upcoming dries. What will be dry? Is practically the same disease and looking greasy. The difference is in how they manifest, cause of prominence and treatment that works for them.
Shipments are dry skin cells that develops the speed produced them. Are small and white, any small gestures are sown on your clothes, on your body. They scrape and do their hair and make hair muddy
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