Friday, May 15, 2015

After a long promised you I write my

After a long promised you I write my 'fitness routine' - come to me so stupid to call but I'm doing everything on your request so I hope that at least appreciate :) Let's get started! Come to me that many girls are trying to lose weight completely the wrong way. About a year ago when I was out of his character wholly disgusted I stopped eating. Respectively eating only apples. That's about najblbšia thing that you can do. I think it is common knowledge but I will write to the so- for sure. When you stop eating, your body switches to 'maintain your' And when you sound anything (even small amounts) of your body that tries to get the most and save it into fat stores - say that 'stocks.'. I admit that lately due to illness I have no appetite at all and a lot of that neglect. But during the school year, I keep a basic mode - Hydration + healthy diet + movement + sleep = healthy lifestyle. Drinking regime - This is one of the things that still adhere. The bed I have a bottle of water (actually there are about 6 stinks how to eat clean and nobody wants them put away but ..: D), mostly during how to eat clean the day doing tea - or simply when I carry a bottle of clean water. When you have eyes to think you a drink, so do not stay thirsty. I have never written exactly how much they drink it but I think it is really small :)) Healthy diet - mostly for breakfast waving pure oatmeal with yogurt (or low-fat cottage cheese) and fruit and I think that's one of the best options. Calories it has very little in it and is not practically nothing unhealthy. Pečivo- how to eat clean here I would like to write that if you want to lose weight, try to limit or discontinue white bread. It's just flour and we can get all kinds of whole grain - which I believe also taste better. Lunch at school so I'm not going to do anything you write. For dinner, I often do vegetable sandwiches. The dinner is no longer good to eat fruit because of the sugar but this is again just advice. :) Move - Sometimes just change the path to school by bus for the journey on foot. Walk with the dog or find a hobby (hobby supposedly) how to eat clean that you enjoy. Group, how to eat clean individual, fitness - I think it does not matter is important to move. It's all basically simple. If you receive more calories than you can burn off during the day - gain weight how to eat clean and vice versa. It's easy. Sleep - It must be recognized that this neglect probably the most. Especially during the holidays, or during šk.roka go to bed around ten o'clock. During sleep Palis calories but basically even so there is no need to neglect. It's really important for the skin, the energy during the day and overall health how to eat clean and psyche :) I hope I wrote everything I wanted and in the end you to add something that I motivuje- few motivational images from weheartit :) some of the exercises you will find just write part of the body If the workout (in English) it is not going to give you here because I'm writing to you from sophonkovho laptop and I'm surprised that I did not wrote here :))
Would you need to write an article about exercise? :) Now I started to be interested in food, and so it is quite interesting and certainly it opened my eyes :) Nice article ^^ Reply Remove
Certainly everything is important, exercise, sleeping, eating .. you like your articles and photos ,. May I ask how a camera take pictures? :) Btw. My blog: yet smelled so yet nothing much :) Reply Remove
You got a nice blog like you practiced please? Cardio? Or something? After possible if you practiced by video and memory have him give me a link here? Thanks Reply Remove
Very nice blog a great article :) I like it. A balanced diet, exercise (exercise by Cassey Ho, which I love. And that motivates a superbly baba). And I try to go to sleep earlier. I started how to eat clean more or less because of school (we had Příjmačky of the body), and I totally love it :) No little girls understand those that give the FB or insta lot of photos as outrageously healthy living, eating and so on. Add photos how to eat clean and vodka or other booze. A bit counterproductive to me to come. Reply Remove how to eat clean
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