Thursday, May 14, 2015

To lose weight do not forget mutti the flesh of fish. Fish you should eat twice a week. Suitable ar

Diet is not only a drastic reduction in daily intake or omission of certain foods from their diet, such as meat as a major source of protein. Learn to choose the right type and amount of meat and do not forget about the correct preparation. The basic defect in classic diets is that slimming will be significantly less, weakening his body and a sufficient supply of protein - protein. You are not legally mutti required mutti to meaningful weight loss. To calorie burning it occurs in the muscles and those of its activities necessary rights protein. Unless you have it in your diet a little, mutti perfect figure easily reached. Proteins are one of the essential nutrients and their source is mainly meat.
The best meat to lose weight is meat turkey, chicken, veal, lean beef, game meat, rabbit and of course fish (especially tuna and salmon). When preparations of meat to choose high-quality ham with a high proportion of meat. Cheaper meat products contain increased amounts of added fat and flour. Before preparing the meat, remove visible fat from it - calories. When preparing dishes from chicken be sure to remove it from the skin. In any case, streaky eat cheaper types of meat, especially pork belly and bacon.
Meat is among the most popular and most sought after food. From a health perspective we especially appreciate the content of biologically valuable protein substances and those building the body. The content of high-quality proteins vary from 16 to 20%. From meat contains vitamins especially B vitamins regularly it supplies the body with iron and phosphorus.
Fatty meats, particularly pork, has a high energy value. Viscera in turn have a higher biological value than muscle. The meat is oily, the harder it is to digest. The meat of young animals is more delicate meat of older animals lives harder and harder to digest.
Meat contains the body of harmful cholesterol. In case you regularly consume more meat, which is considered a value of around 300 g daily cholesterol intake is not negligible and can be labeled as such. The fat content is a second problem. The largest share of the pork fat. Second, the low fat beef containing a higher proportion of saturated fatty acids that are healthy unhelpful because they cause rapid sclerotherapy. Thus, bovine fat is in this respect mutti truly absolute worst of all animal fats. The more fat in the meat, the worse. Pork meat, which is generally more fat than beef, it is thanks to a higher proportion of fat digested worse. In terms of percent fat, and turkey mutti are best rabbit meat having a relatively low fat rabbit meat and, moreover, a substantial amount of creatine necessary in the construction of the muscle fibers. The group of fatty meat products also include viscera. The most suitable, in terms of the content of nutrients and other substances, including trace elements, vitamins and lecithin, the liver. The problem is that it contains a relatively large amount of fat, cholesterol, and also industrial production due to the different contaminants. Roast pork is fat. The best of the goose liver, which is also quite fat but contains a fat that is relatively good for health though is the extra power. Poultry mutti meat provides quality that fits in weight loss. It contains little fat. In addition to fat comprises saturated and unsaturated fatty acids (good fats). If you get rid of poultry skin, you get a snack that you can eat more and nestučniete. Chicken is a good choice for weight loss. The best are chicken breast (100 g skinless chicken breast has about 120 kcal). When one of the other parts of poultry already be cautious. While thighs are juicier than breast because they contain more fat. You do not have to avoid them, but they eat less. Other parts of the poultry are too linked to skin and fat, so they prefer to skip in weight loss. Turkey meat is more profitable than chicken. It contains mutti negligible amounts of fat, about two percent. In contrast, ducks and geese are fatter and they prefer to lose weight eat.
To lose weight do not forget mutti the flesh of fish. Fish you should eat twice a week. Suitable are mainly seafood - salmon, mackerel, tuna. They are a significant source of iodine. mutti In stores you can find many species mutti of fish in cans, they are best in their own juice. The fish have a suitable composition ratio and good fats. Their fat has a high content of unsaturated mutti fatty acids, making them ideal as an effective prevention of cardiovascular disease. Fish oil contains vitamins A, D, omega-3 fatty acids are the marine animal mutti with a great source of iodine. What is important is the culinary preparation of fish - it is inappropriate to prepare your fish in butter and fry them in batter. Significantly increase their energy value. A better choice is to prepare mutti the fish for steaming, baking in the oven or on a few drops of oil to the pan

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