Thursday, May 7, 2015

If you are wondering why all this I Bite a piece of banana (UPS, if you are allowed) and we go for

Igor Bukovsky, MD., PhD. Outpatient clinical nutrition: "Paleo diet" in any previously known form, in my opinion: the first Restyled, repacking plants vs zombies 2 free download and sophisticated version of the molding, the other hyperproteínových Diet: Brillat-Savarinova (1825!), Bantingova (1863), Atkins (1972), Voegtlinova (1975), spouses Eadesovcov (1995), Dukanova plants vs zombies 2 free download (2000), South Beach diet dr . Agatston (2003), Meat Lover, Proteinopia, and so on and so dookola2. based on flawed assumptions and unconfirmed
5. risky from a health perspective, plants vs zombies 2 free download at least for the following reasons can cause ketoacidosis can cause skeletal muscle atrophy can cause deficit very important components plants vs zombies 2 free download of the diet (dietary fiber, carbohydrates, vitamins, calcium, trace elements, antioxidants, etc.). Excessive intake of heme iron (the staple food paleo diet is because red meat and animal offal) encourages the development of type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, some forms of cancer (colon, pancreas), rheumatoid arthritis and other diseases in which plays an important role in chronic inflammation and increased oxidative stress and over- frequent consumption of red meat increases overall mortality and mortality due to cardiovascular disease and some forms of cancer excessive intake of animal protein overloads the kidneys and increase the risk of failure, and probably also promotes bone descaling excessive intake of proteins and fats of animal origin plants vs zombies 2 free download adversely affects the intestinal microflora: supports in particular the proliferation of proteolytic (= putrefaction) and anaerobic bacteria with all the negative effects on the digestive system, nervous system and cognitive function, immunity, chronic inflammation and the like. paleo diet can be, like many other diets trigger eating disorders (anorexia = / bulimia, etc.).
If you are wondering why all this I Bite a piece of banana (UPS, if you are allowed) and we go for it. It will be a little longer read, but I'm sure that you can read interesting and surprising things. Finally the big secret AKV. If you are not interested, you have a nice day.
Paleo in a Nutshell construction Paleo diet looks simplified as follows: Food "hunter-gatherer" living in the Paleolithic (about 2,400,000 to 100,000 years ahead, as many devotees are unaware) was "natural" and optimal / ideal because suffer from obesity or by any civilization diseases The main component of calorie diet was meat occasionally by underground bulbs, "vegetable", "nuts" and berry "fruit" (the quotes I gave to myself that we did not think that before 2 million years ago grew some broccoli, spinach, walnuts, almonds, plants vs zombies 2 free download strawberries or blackcurrants) - and the different insects! (Although most of the paleo authors for unknown reasons stated, it is reliably documented that paleolytické beings ate insects about as many people today who stuff themselves into chips) paleolithic diet was supposedly therefore typically 1) a high proportion of protein and fat and 2) very low-carbohydrate such "compliant" model diet reportedly lasted at least two million years and "hunter-gatherers" were it well adapted and genetically plants vs zombies 2 free download if before about 10,000 years ago, people began to breed domestic animals and grow crops, everything is supposedly wrong went wrong direction plants vs zombies 2 free download and it was a disaster! = Human body has so far missed adapt to new foods (known as the "Neolithic") consumption plants vs zombies 2 free download of these new foods (mainly cereals and pulses) is the cause of the decline and health problems of humans human diet should therefore in paleofilov should contain at least 60% fat, less than 30 % protein and carbohydrates plants vs zombies 2 free download than 5% (official recommendation for comparison: 15-30% fat, 10-15% protein and 50-65% carbohydrates - everything is expressed as a percentage of daily caloric intake) Our diet should be decided not contain any cereals, legumes, many fruits and milk.
It sounds logical? Then it's just another proof that if anything at first glance seems logical, even this may not be true. (Similar to a board according to blood groups, tax increases or expensive sets of pots made of stainless steel.)
The Paleo actually ...? Paleo diet has now rolled out to us from all sides and, like vegetarianism have different shapes and forms. (Slovakia even like 'modern plants vs zombies 2 free download paleo ". Úsmevné about as" modern Baroque houses "nouveau riche scattered all Slovak towns and villages.) Many authors differ from each other and on the composition of food: mainly meat and internal organs plants vs zombies 2 free download !, !, !, much fat a little less !, not fat meat, mostly vegetables !, No !, milk some milk Yes !, No !, fruit berries Yes !, No !, an underground tuber starch yes! (They are full of starch - Note I). The first important question plants vs zombies 2 free download is: How is it possible that there are such big differences in opinion on what is actually plants vs zombies 2 free download a diet "paleo"? What gives? For example, certainly not that so. evolutionary biology is an exact science and that inte

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