Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Dukanova diet itself Phase 3 - growing strong Its length is based on the fact of how many kilograms

Someone wants to drop a few pounds chinese elm to feel better and have unfortunately prey be overweight, which also threatens their health. There will always be many people who want to lose weight. So they look for solutions in the diet. That is why there are so much (if one really worked for all the others would not make sense)
There are many diets that promise weight loss. The belief that you will not have to move, you'll be able to eat what is given and based diets lose weight x kilograms per month, it is appealing. But watch out, as has the majority of the child resides, eventually you will find that the principles can be very complex and not respect them in practice chinese elm is not easy. To lose weight, chinese elm you can try example chinese elm Dukanovu diet.
Dukanova diet book became a great bestseller and has already attracted hundreds chinese elm of thousands of readers who want to lose weight. The author is a French nutritionist Dr Pierre Dukan. Dukanova diet consists of four phases
Dukanova diet, Phase 1 This phase -útočná diet allows you to eat only lean protein. Lean veal or beef, poultry and fish. The meat is not fry, but the grill, boil or bake on the water. If you will consume eggs, you have two options: If you eat only egg whites, you can eat as much as you want, but if you opt for a mixture of egg whites and yolks are limited to four per week.
Anything that is allowed to eat in the first phase, you can consume without restrictions. Very important is drinking regime. It is necessary to drink at least two liters of water a day. If you need to stay in the first phase more than five days, you have to eat multivitamin pills due to lack of vitamins.
First-phase (but never exceed the ten days.) Depends on the weight that you want to get rid of: if it is less than 5 kg, it should take two days, if it is between 5 and 10 kg, three days. If you intend to lose weight 20 kg, phase lasts five days and if more than 20 kg, persevere at least seven days.
Dukanova diet, Phase 2 - pleasure This is a substitution pure protein and protein and vegetable days is required to substitute them persevere in every five to seven days. In the proteinaceous vegetable-phase allowed tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes, spinach, broccoli, asparagus, leeks, cabbage, mushrooms, celery, fennel, aubergines, peppers, carrots. Still, however, not rice, potatoes, beans, corn and avocado. Vegetables can be mixed with protein foods. Again, do not forget the regular drinking regime
Dukanova diet itself Phase 3 - growing strong Its length is based on the fact of how many kilograms you lost weight. For every kilogram ten days, that if you lose weight 5 kg, must remain at this stage fifty days. If you now return to your original eating style, quickly gaining weight back. Protein and vegetables you can eat at any time. You can also eat smaller servings of fruit, chinese elm 2 slices whole wheat bread, one meal a week of pasta, potatoes or legumes chinese elm without oil. One day a week must be purely protein day, it is best if you specify always the same day.
Dukanova diet - diet If you want, on the Internet you can find a site that offers various examples of diet at the different stages Dukanovej diet. Anyone who has read the rules Dukanovej diet knows that when it recommended to take nutritional and vitamin supplements.
The forums are found plenty of satisfied or dissatisfied with Dukanovou diet. I write their experiences, chinese elm or have / had the Dukanovej diet no health problems, promote chinese elm / do not promote any purchase of special foods, lose weight / weight neschudli and has long maintained chinese elm / not sustained. chinese elm Your experience chinese elm
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