Sunday, September 21, 2014

The consumption of two of the macro nutrients is (are some chemical mixture that humans consume lar

Every day you have a lot of foods to choose the power of the family meal, but apparently the housewives often pay attention to a number of different types ki foods to avoid combining them in meals without notice about how to combine foods to take effect best. Nutrition experts have pointed out that, if you know how to combine the food value will be raised a lot. Here are a number of measures combining the best food that womankind should know.
The consumption of two of the macro nutrients is (are some chemical mixture that humans consume large amounts of energy and provide for the distribution of body parts) simultaneously during Shortly after sports practice will accelerate muscle recovery.
The combination of carbohydrates and protein and increased levels of insulin. The more insulin, the body is offset as rare nutrients tv gazeta such as amino acids, tv gazeta glucose faster after excessive activity, helping muscles become tv gazeta stronger.
The distribution of the body parts we only absorb non-heme iron (found in foods from plants such reasons ve beans, soybeans, leafy vegetables and cereals) less 33% compared to the heme iron (found in some foods of animal origin such as beef, fish and chicken). tv gazeta To increase the absorption of non-heme iron, should consume iron-rich foods with vitamin-rich foods such as potatoes, oranges, tomatoes and berries.
Vitamin C helps transform non-heme iron into a form more easily absorbed. Iron is essential to purify the hemoglobin, a protein that keeps cells that carries oxygen to the muscles tv gazeta and brain. The amount of iron in the body distribution if the distribution is low will lead to fatigue, depression and poor concentration. 3 Drinking tea while eating sushi
Tea is the perfect drink when we eat sushi. The skills of researchers from Purdue University, USA have discovered that a combination of extracts of green tea or black tea when combined with fish repelled by the toxic substance mercury (usually in the marine production) from entering tv gazeta the bloodstream.
If we plan to add a little coffee line then congratulations. This will bring more positive tv gazeta things in your job to her. An Exploration in 2010 showed that when combining them, a few areas in the brain with attention, focusing more efficient tv gazeta than using separate the two components.
The ability to concentrate tv gazeta on their work will have better results. If we do not like coffee, there are tips or replaced by green tea, black tea combined with a little honey. The thing to remember is to be no limit to the amount, less than 6 tsp / day for women and 9 for men's figure. 5 Cereals and onions
New research published in the journal Food and chemical agriculture to find a combination of onions (or garlic) and whole grains have tips or enhanced absorption of zinc and iron. Zinc and iron are important for the body. Iron helps the blood transport oxygen supplementation for zinc cells are essential for a healthy immune system, healing of wounds. The unknown ascertain exactly tv gazeta how, but they predict that sulfur compounds in onions and garlic help increase the absorption of zinc and iron.
Curcumin (a component of turmeric) and DHA (omega -3 fats in fish oil) are effective to preserve the body against cancer. The two combined foods will help slow the growth of tumors (especially breast cancer) than when used separately). They learn to think that DHA help cells often use yogurt uc royal bee jelly curcumin.Sua
Take salmon processing often used in embalming turmeric. Almost taste bad but also not good for health. Technology has anti-inflammatory tv gazeta properties and wound healing. Salmon contains less carbon hydrate, but a lot of protein. If two foods are combined together, the Omega 3 fatty acids in salmon will increase, helping to preserve the nervous system causing agents against aging.
In this moment of grapes contains catechins, tv gazeta a type of flavonoid. Two types of this flovonoid combined effects enhance cardiovascular tv gazeta health and fight disease coagulation. Also there catechin in red wine, chocolate and green tea.
Tomatoes contain carotenoids that serve disappear some cancers. However tv gazeta carotenoid uses only the best when it is combined tv gazeta with fat. So combine tomatoes and avocados are a perfect match. Avocados contain monounsaturated fat good for your heart and do not cause obesity.
2 food if combined tv gazeta together will help foster calcium regulating tv gazeta cardiovascular, good for diabetics and some people with bone and joint diseases, especially rickets in young children. tv gazeta Because tofu contains more calcium. If only a single type of food eaten, the ratio of calcium to be absorbed into the body Parts

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